How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (2024)

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (1)

If you haven’t heard of the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail, you’re in for a treat. Ennis bluebonnets are one of the biggest attractions in the area when they bloom each year!

Bluebonnets are the state flower of Texas. If you’re in Texas, it just wouldn’t be right if you went all spring without seeing some gorgeous Texas bluebonnets! And the ultimate place to see bluebonnets near Dallas is Ennis, TX.

In 1997, the State Legislature designated Ennis home to the Official Texas Bluebonnet Trail. Now it’s the Official Bluebonnet City of Texas!

Rightfully so, I should say.

It houses the famous Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (the oldest such trail of its kind!). It’s a 40-mile long driving trail of great places to see the bluebonnets in all of their glory.

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (2)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (3)

Bluebonnets start blooming in mid-March, but the height of bluebonnet season is the full month of April. While they typically peak sometime around the third week of April, different locations will have more blooms at different times.

Fortunately, you can learn ahead of time where to go to find the best bluebonnets in Ennis. I’ll share that information- and much more- here.

Here’s everything you should know about the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail, broken down into five sections:

  • The Ennis Bluebonnet Trail: Trail Guide
  • How to Find the Best Blooms on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail
  • Ennis Bluebonnet Trail FAQ
  • The Ennis Bluebonnet Festival
  • Ennis Bluebonnet Photo Inspiration

The Ennis Bluebonnet Trail Guide

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (4)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (5)

Basically, the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail is a compilation of locations for bluebonnet viewing in Ennis. These can be viewed on their app, Ennis Y’all, which they have on both iOS and Android.

There are three main trails, and each trail is unique! Here’s what you’ll find on each trail.

Ennis Bluebonnet Trail: West Trail

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (6)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (7)

This is the shortest trail but the one with the most official parks and open fields for viewing the bluebonnets. It’s also the one closest to downtown Ennis. Here are four parks/areas that show off the best bluebonnets on the West Trail:

  • Meadow View Nature Area– You’ll find a 39-acre field where you can take pictures and even a lake (Bardwell Lake) in the backdrop. There are picnic tables and benches if you want to bring a snacks or a picnic. There are also port-a-potties set up each April too. Expect to see a lot of other people here since this is quite a popular spot. However, if you’re creative with your angles or use a low aperture (or portrait mode on your iPhone), you can blur people out in the background! We went here the first year that we went on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail and saw a lot of families taking photos here (a lot with professional photographers… yes, they’re allowed!). While it’s a great area for family pictures, I personally like the North Trail for more creative and interesting photography. Though it’s great for family photoshoots, a wide open field just doesn’t have the same appeal for me as winding country roads.
  • Veterans Memorial Park– This is a 19-acre park that has a lot of amenities (bathroom, picnic tables, a .25-mile walking path). It’s smaller but typically less crowded than the Meadow View Nature Area. We also visited this on our first year at the bluebonnets and thought it was great.
  • Bluebonnet Park– In addition to the bluebonnets on its 47 acres, you’ll find a covered pavilion, restrooms, a playground, a small lake, and a .75-mile path. We came here one year and weren’t very impressed by the bluebonnets (a sad combo of it being past their peak and kind of trampled) but did think the little pond was pretty with the fog on it at sunrise! If you go at the right time, though, I’m sure the bluebonnets are worth seeing! Just check the app… more on that in a bit!
  • Kachina Prairie– This 30-acre prairie has never been plowed (it’s a notable remnant of Blackland Prairie), which means you’ll see the bluebonnets and other wildflowers here at their most natural state. Though parking is pretty easy and close to each of the other parks along the North Trail, this one is a bit harder to get to than the other sites in the West. While you can visit on your own, the Indian Trail Master Naturalists lead a .75-mile walk through the prairie on guided wildflower walks each year. Check their Facebook page if you’re interested in joining one of these!

Ennis Bluebonnet Trail: North Trail

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (8)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (9)

The North Trail is my favorite trail to drive, and it’s also the longest trail. It’s my favorite place to get photos in the bluebonnets because the landscape is hilly and there are charming small roads that you can get in your photos too.

And keep your eyes peeled for horses, cattle, longhorns, and more!

In previous years, there has been a horse pasture where the owner had left a giant bag of oats so that visitors could feed their gorgeous Belgian horses. Hopefully, they’ll do this again this year.

This area has beautiful nature, like rolling hills and swans swimming in a peaceful little lake. We even saw some longhorns in a field of bluebonnets with a Texas flag this year… could you get more Texan?!

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (12)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (13)
  • Sugar Ridge Winery– This is the biggest attraction on the North Trail. You should stop by the winery for a wine tasting and/or a tour if it’s open when you’re driving the North Trail.
  • My favorite field– I’ll admit- it’s tempting to keep this a secret since I like having the field almost all to myself! But the exact coordinates of my favorite field (and the one most shown in my photos) is 32.457708, -96.596256. It’s right by the swan lake, too, so you can enjoy both!
  • Notable roads– Some gorgeous roads with historically great bluebonnets include Sugar Ridge Road (my favorite!), Andrews Road, Slate Rock Road, Stacks Road, and Union Hill Road.

Ennis Bluebonnet Trail: South Trail

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (14)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (15)

There aren’t parks or major landmarks on the South Trail. This is more of a rural drive through some scenic residential areas.

A lot of bluebonnets here grow on private property, so you can’t get out and take pictures in them. However, some owners open up their fields to visitors. You’ll find this information from the Ennis Welcome Center.

In 2024, the Welcome Center recommended Holy Field on their trail map, and I loved photographing it! It’s a private field that the owner opened to the public.

Overall, if you’re just driving to appreciate the bluebonnets, this is a great route —there are beautiful pastures and ranches here! Once they’re at peak bloom, these will be some of the most untouched bluebonnets on the trails. You may also get to visit some lesser-known spots on this part of the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail.

Things to Know Before Going on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (16)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (17)

I think one of the most crucial things to know before visiting the Ennis bluebonnets is that the blooms will look different every year. The field you went to last year might not look the same this year.

That definitely happened to our favorite field, as you can see in the photos above. There were way more Indian Paintbrush flowers in bloom with the bluebonnets in 2020, compared to 2021. In mid April 2024, there’s a mix of Indian Paintbrushes and Bluebonnets in that same field.

Also, the blooms will be fuller at different times of April. The best way to check the status of the blooms is to visit the official site here. We’ll talk more about that in this next section!

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (18)

In my opinion, the best time of day to photograph the Ennis bluebonnets is in the morning. There will be fewer crowds and better lighting. If you’re really ambitious, sunrise makes for the dreamiest photos! I also love golden hour in the mornings.

Here are some other helpful tips to know before you drive to Ennis.

  • The Ennis Bluebonnet Trail isn’t a walking trail- it’s a self-guided driving trail.
  • If you don’t have the app, you can download the trail map here!
  • The locations on the app vary in how far away they are from each other, but know that some are up to an hour away!
  • Some locations have picnic tables and picnic benches, so feel free to bring a lunch.
  • Be careful when walking through the fields- there are some sticks that can get you!
  • Don’t pick the bluebonnets- the only time it is okay is on private property with permission from the owner.
  • Some of the parks have public restrooms, like Ennis Veterans Memorial Park, Bluebonnet Park, and Minnie McDowell Park.
  • The trails are open until dark and are free.
  • If you’re going in peak season, there will be a lot of people there taking photos. The good thing is that most of the fields are so big that it’s easy to find a spot where no one else is in your pictures! But as a rule of thumb, weekdays are less crowded than weekends, and early mornings are less crowded than later in the day.

How to Find the Best Blooms Along The Ennis Bluebonnet Trail

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (19)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (20)

Curious about what the blooms look like before you make the drive? The trail is sponsored by the Ennis Garden Club, and each week in April the garden club members drive the trails to update the public on the latest status of the bluebonnets.

They share their bloom status findings with the Ennis Welcome Center and you can see these updates on the official website and on the app. Certain areas bloom at different times than others, so you should be able to find the best location for you to visit by using the app.

You simply download their app and check their map for bluebonnet locations. Each pin on the map expands into a brief description of what you’ll find there.

You can also go directly to the Ennis Welcome Center to get a physical map of the latest bloom sites.

The Ennis Visitor Center (Welcome Center)

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (21)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (22)

Ennis Visitor Center Hours in April:
Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm
Sunday 10am-5pm
Closed on Easter Sunday

As I just mentioned, if you’re having any trouble with the app or want more detailed information, stop by the Ennis Visitor Center. They’ll give you a color-coded map and detailed instructions. You’ll get tips on the best viewing locations and even suggestions about where to eat or other things to do while you’re in the area.

The earlier in the morning that you visit (or later in the afternoon), the less busy the Welcome Center will be. When we went around 10 am this year, there was a roughly 12-person line to talk to the bluebonnet trail experts there with the trail maps. It’s definitely worth talking to them for their expertise, though!

While you’re in the downtown Ennis area, you can check out the nearby West Trail- it’s one of the shortest trails to explore and photograph, and you’ll see Bluebonnet Trail signs as a guide along the trail. Depending on bloom status, the Meadow View Nature Area at Bardwell Lake makes for a great backdrop!

My two cents: you may find that the marked parts on the map are so heavily trafficked throughout the month of April (once again, please don’t step on the bluebonnets- it ruins the experience for others!) that they are no longer as pretty for photos. In that case, try to explore a little further or change your camera angle to find the thickest clusters of bluebonnets.

Ennis Bluebonnet Trail FAQ

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (23)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (24)

Are the Ennis bluebonnets in bloom?

Check the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail site to see the current status of the bluebonnets.

When do the Ennis bluebonnets usually bloom?

Typically, Ennis bluebonnets bloom in April. Roadside blooms usually appear first in mid-March, while fields bloom in the following weeks. Peak blooms usually occur in the second or third week of April.

When does the Ennis Bluebonnets Trail happen?

The official dates for the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails are from April 1st to April 30th.

What is the best place to see the bluebonnets in Ennis?

My favorite place to see the Ennis bluebonnets is by Sugar Ridge Winery. The exact coordinates of my favorite field are 32.457708, -96.596256. I hope this goes without saying, but please do not trample the bluebonnets.

When is the best time to visit the Ennis bluebonnets?

April is the best time of year to see the Ennis bluebonnets and weekdays are the best time of the week to visit if you want to avoid crowds.

The best time of day to visit the bluebonnets is at sunrise and golden hour if you’re up for an early wake-up call. This is when there are fewer people around and the lighting is perfect for dreamy bluebonnet photos!

Can you pick the bluebonnets in Ennis?

You cannot pick the bluebonnets. The only time when this would be okay is on private property with permission from the owner.

Is the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail free?

Yes, it is completely free to view and photograph the bluebonnets in Ennis.

When is the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails Festival in 2024?

The Ennis Bluebonnet Festival is the weekend of April 19th-21st, 2024.

What else should you do in the area?

Another great thing about the Ennis Y’all app is it also includes other things to do in Ennis if you want to make a day of it!

Here are some fun ideas:

  • The Galaxy Drive-In– End your day exploring the Ennis bluebonnets with a movie! This drive in theater costs $8 for adults and $4 for kids. See what’s playing on their 8 different screens, find showtimes, and get your tickets here!
  • Sugar Ridge Winery– You’ll want to come to Sugar Ridge Winery along the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails for some bluebonnet viewing, but it’s also great for wine tasting and a tour.
  • Texas Motorplex– Home to a record speed of 333.95 mph, the Texas Motorplex is perfect for car lovers or those interested in the sport. Races are held most weekends; find events and get tickets here.
  • Dining– There are plenty of great dining options in Ennis! Local favorites include Bella Italia, Bailey’s Cafe, Limerick’s Sandwich Junction, Ruston Cattle Company, and Craft Pies Pizza Company.

The Ennis Bluebonnet Festival

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (25)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (26)

The city of Ennis throws the Ennis Bluebonnet Festival one weekend in April each year. You’ll find it in Downtown Ennis. Expect nature walks, live music and performances, food vendors, state fair rides, wine tasting, arts and crafts, and even activities specifically for kids. It’s a great place to purchase fun bluebonnet souvenirs!

It’ll be held from April 19th-21st in 2024.

Ennis Bluebonnet Photo Inspiration

How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (27)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (28)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (29)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (30)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (31)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (32)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (33)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (34)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (35)
How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (36)

There is no shortage of photo opportunities in the Ennis bluebonnets! I hope the above photos give you some inspiration for taking photos in flower fields- and specifically in the Ennis bluebonnets! All of the photos in this post have been taken sometime over a five-year period; it seems like each time we go to the bluebonnets, they look a little different! For example, when we went later in the season one year, there were a lot more Indian Paintbrush flowers mixed into the bluebonnets.

You can also see the difference that time of day makes when taking photos in the bluebonnets.

Bring a friend, bring a prop (mirrors and cameras are some of my favorite props!), and even bring a picnic (time flies when taking pictures in the bluebonnets… we’re always so hungry by the time we’re done with photos!).

And if you’re looking for quality camera gear or are interested in photography, you can check out what’s in my camera bag here!

How to See Texas Bluebonnets in Ennis: Conclusion

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The Ennis Bluebonnet Trail is just forty minutes south of Dallas, waiting for you to go and take some photos in its gorgeous fields! It’s the oldest such trail in Texas, and it’s well worth the visit.

If you’re looking for more flower-related activities, check out these two spots for incredible flowers:

  • Texas Tulips in Pilot Point (about an hour away from Dallas)
  • The Dallas Arboretum (full of gorgeous nature year-round)

And for anyone seeking wildflowers in Dallas throughout the year, you can check out this compilation of where to find flower fields near Dallas.

And if you’re just looking for great photo spots in Dallas, check out this post on the 40 Most Instagrammable Places in and around Dallas!

See you in the fields!

Happy exploring,


How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (38)

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How to See the Best Bluebonnets on the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.